A-Z of Secret Edinburgh: Secret Society

Ssssh! Edinburgh Secret Society organises events for those of a curious disposition.
Edinburgh Secret Society’s events pop up every now and again in some of the city’s quirkiest and most unusual venues. Nights can be verbal, theatrical and experimental – but they’re all designed to inform, entertain and bewilder.
Taxidermy, spiritualism, how to lay floors or spot a fake artwork – all could be on the agenda. However, you don’t know what’s on the agenda until you turn up!
To find out what happens, you really have to be there
At many events, everyone is asked to wear masks to hide their identities and they are also sworn to never reveal what they have seen! There’s no recording allowed at any of the Society’s events so if you want to find out what happens, you really have to be there.
The society is presided over by psychologist and magician Richard Wiseman, who has worked alongside Derren Brown, and who has 60,000 Twitter followers.
Tickets – once you hear about them – generally sell out within hours.