Your Spring Showcase

The weather this year has resulted in some incredible scenes across Scotland, which you’ve been sharing with us on social media. So, we’ve collected our favourites for a spectacular spring showcase!
Take a look…
- “Sunset over Stirling.” Charles McGuigan, @CharlesMcGuiga2 on Twitter.
- “Rapeseed fields in Kircaldy.” John Pow, @Johnpow1 on Twitter.
- “A splendid morning for a swan swim in Lochlinnhe.” Mike Wood, @MikeMikwd.
- “Our kids this Spring.” Myreside Farms Produc, @MyresideFarms on Twitter.
- “Eildon Hills from Scott’s Viewpoint in Scottish Borders. And what a stunning view it is too!” A View From My Camera, @viewcamera on Facebook.
- “New life at spring.” Gary Chittick, Gary Chittick, @gbc123 on Instagram.
- “Lovely spring day here in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.” Gordon Robertson, @gordo_rob Twitter.
- “Blaze and the Ballachulish bluebells.” Oor Blaze fae Skye, @Blazespage.
- “Spring in Haddington!” HiddenHaddington, @HiddenHadd.
- “Seen these wee lambs on my way home from work tonight by Dores” @gordondohertyphotography on Instagram.
- “Loch Awe on a spring morning.” MrH, @MrHackney on Twitter.
- “Drone shot of East Lothian rapeseed feild.” A Radzikowska, @ARadzikowsk on Twitter.
- “Nest building puffin in Lunga for breeding season.” Gary Chittick, @gbc123 on Instagram.
- “Sunrise on Kinclaven bluebell woods!” Dave Murray, @Canniejannie on Twitter.
- “Sunset overlooking Neist Point on the Isle of Skye.” Donnie Nicolson, @donnienic45 on Twitter.
If you’re interested in learning more about the art itself, take some advice from our expert photographer, Keith Fergus.