My Scotland – Sylvester McCoy

Credit: Photo by David Fisher/Shutterstock
Join prolific actor and former Doctor Who star, Sylvester McCoy, on an adventure around his favourite Scottish haunts…

The Three Sisters, Glencoe, Scotland. Credit: Shutterstock.
Glen Coe
I was in filming in Glen Coe in January in a hurricane! The Americans had exported one of their hurricanes to us and we were up on this ridge in the dark with no light anywhere, driving along and there was this burn at the side, so full of water and waves were coming over as if it was the sea. You couldn’t see where you were going, it was a great storm. Anyway, we suddenly saw a van, a white van had been blown off the road so we stopped. And I couldn’t get out of my door because of the wind, the driver had to go round and open it. So we crawled down to this van but when we got there we discovered there was nobody in it, the person had escaped, but my driver though was a bit disappointed, he thought it would be really wonderful in the middle of this storm that the driver was rescued by Doctor Who!

Swans at Lochore Meadows. Credit: Shutterstock.
The Highlands and Loch Ore
When I was younger and living principally in Scotland and all that, the Highlands had been denuded by trees, the First World War and Industrial Revolution, they got rid of the trees. Now, when you go back, it’s so beautiful in the autumn because they have so many trees. They’ve stopped planting trees for money and they plant trees for nature, which is a much better thing to do really and much more beautiful. Loch Ore and down there, just driving down there and looking at the autumn trees on either side of the mountains of the loch and the glen, it’s beautiful.

Sligachan, Isle of Skye, Highland, Scotland. Credit: Shutterstock
Skye is my favourite of the Scottish islands. I love Skye. It seems like a very different island, it fell from a different planet I feel, its own self. It’s stunning really.
This is bonus content from The Scots Magazine December 2020 issue. You can read more from Scotland’s famous faces here, and each month in The Scots Magazine.
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