My Scotland – Horse McDonald

Credit: Photo by Nils Jorgensen/Shutterstock
This month, acclaimed sing-songwriter, Horse McDonald, explores the parts of Scotland she loves the most…
St Cyrus

St Cyrus beach, Angus, Aberdeenshire. Credit: Shutterstock.
I love St Cyrus on the East Coast. Most of my holidays and trips have been hillwalking in Wester Ross and beyond, but I’ve spent a lot of time near St Cyrus beach, it’s between Montrose and Stonehaven. It’s a beautiful stretch of beach and there’s a nature reserve there. That’s one of favourite places.

Wallace monument. Credit:Shutterstock.
Stirling is a beautiful place. With Stirling, you get access to the countryside around but you’ve also got this idea of the roots of us Scots as people. Stirling, I think, is the closest place that represents us as people.

Anstruther, small town in Fife, Scotland. Credit: Shutterstock.
I have a great love of the outdoors and the sea. I was born in Newport-On-Tay but we lived in Anstruther and all my growing up, very early days, we would go to a caravan site, Kilrenny. We would be there every summer, those are my fondest memories.

New Lanark. Credit: Shutterstock.
New Lanark
I got my love of the outdoors from my mum, we would go for long walks on a Sunday before lunch or after. We would all go, and we’d either go to New Lanark or in autumn and wintertime, we would walk down to a place could Stanmore. We would walk down there and my mum would pick stuff up from hedgerows and she would spray everything silver, she made her own decorations. That’s where I think I picked up my love of all that stuff.
This is bonus content from The Scots Magazine December 2020 issue. You can read more from Scotland’s famous faces here, and each month in The Scots Magazine.
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