Scottish Bookshelf – Latest Releases From July

Enjoy our pick of July book releases. First for fact and fiction…
The is a brief selection of reviews taken from our July issue.
The Fair Botanists
Sara Sheridan
£16.99 Hardback
Hodder & Stoughton
When Elizabeth sets up home near the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens to follow a rare plant’s bloom, she meets a mysterious woman named Belle. With Belle keen to keep her identity secret, Elizabeth discovers that there is more to both Belle and the plant than meets the eye.
The Highlands
Paul Murton
Birlinn General
Follow Paul Murton, host of BBC’s Grand Tours of Scotland, on a tour around the Highlands, as he visits popular spots like Loch Ness and Ben Nevis alongside some less travelled places. Paul meets many Highlanders who regale him with tales to keep anyone entertained.
News Of The Dead
James Robertson
£18.99 Hardback
Penguin Books Ltd.
Three men live in Glen Conach in different centuries, but their stories weave together as legends entangle the living. In the 19th century, a charlatan finds a book of miracles; centuries earlier a saint performs them; and in the modern-day, a young boy speaks with their ghosts.
The Eternal Season
Stephen Rutt
£14.99 Hardback
Elliot & Thompson
A lyrical examination of the challenges posed to wildlife, as the author considers disturbances to rhythms of the natural world during the 2020 summer of lockdown. What is the definition of summer now that seasonal definitions are changing?
For more from our bookshelf >>
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