The Scots Magazine Climate Change Issue – Out Now!

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My Scotland popular journalist and TV broadcaster Jackie Bird on her favourite Scottish places
Legendary Tales learn the fascinating story of the lost library of Iona
What’s On discover the best events happening this month across the country
Taste The Highlands Food writer Ghillie Basan on her new book ahead of Mallaig book festival
Cover Story… The Climate Emergency
Make It Count COP26 Glasgow might be our last chance to address the climate emergency
Lead The Way Gordon Brown is pushing for Scotland to be at the forefront of the UK’s green revolution
Crisis Hits Home The effects climate change could have on the country if nothing is done to stop it
Action On Efficiency How technology can be utilised to make our lives more energy efficient
Be The Change What you can do to help tackle global warming
Energy Islands Renewables revolution on Orkney offers hope and inspiration
The Big Climate Conversation Activists across the generations discuss the ecological emergency
People Power Your answers to our online climate change survey
The Lost Forest Jim Crumley sees a disaster of our own making inching its way closer to home
Discover the wonders of the north-west in this month’s Focus On
A Eulogy To Snow Researcher Iain Cameron talks about the disappearing snow patches in Scotland
Nature’s Lessons Polly Pullar learns how to help the planet and ourselves through permaculture
A Scot In Antarctic Glaswegian mountaineer found a home in the icy frontier
Living On The Edge Cameron McNeish ponders the future of mountain life
Fisherfield Six Five Munros and one Corbett in a day with Fiona Russell
Read our exclusive interview with actor Mark Bonnar as his hit series
Guilt returns
Scottish Kitchen This month’s star chef whips up a seasonal blaeberry cake
Slàinte Mhath Dornoch Firth oysters turn whisky waste into clean water
Sound Of Scotland Broken Chanter’s new feel-good album, Catastrophe Hits
Climate Crusader Kenny MacAskill on the Scot who discovered “Acid Rain”
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