Q-Aye! – The Scottish Facts You Need To Know | Part 10
Put yourself to the test with our list of 30 essential weird and wonderful Scotland facts. How many do you know?
46 Bagpipes were the first music instrument officially played to penguins. Piper, Gilbert Kerr was part of the Scottish National Antarctic expedition of 1902-1904. He was photographed in full Highland dress playing his pipes to an Emperor penguin. The image became one of the first postcards sent from the Antarctic.
47 The name sign of the town of ‘Lost’ in Aberdeenshire is the only one in Britain that is welded to its pole. It is to stop the sign being stolen by tourists.
48 In 2009, a search of Loch Ness for the Loch Ness monster located 100,000 golf balls.
49 There are more stretch limos in Glasgow than in Los Angeles.
50 The notebooks of US astronauts were fireproofed with seaweed from the Isle of Lewis.