Q-Aye! – The 30 Scottish Facts You Need To Know | Part 3

Q-Aye Scotland facts

Put yourself to the test with our list of 30 essential weird and wonderful Scotland facts. How many do you know?


Rabbie Burns and… Coca Cola?


11. Rabbie Burns was the first person to feature on a commemorative bottle of Coca Cola. The poet’s image appeared on around one million bottles in 2009, celebrating the 250th anniversary of Burns’ birth.


12. According to the census of 1909, the Scots were the tallest race in Europe. Due to WW1 food shortages and rationing, the average height had fallen by an astonishing 9 inches by 1930.


13. The Scots have a word for that feeling of hesitation when you are introduced to someone and you can’t for the life of you remember their name : tartle!


14. Buffalo Bill once caused a crisis in Scottish fishing industry. He visited the North East in 1904 and fisherman in Aberdeen, Peterhead and Fraserburgh abandoned ships to see shows. This resulted in soaring fish prices.


15. The oldest lavatories in the world can be found at Skara Brae on the Orkney Islands. This very basic sewer system was created between 3200BC and 2200BC.



MORE: See next 5 facts


PREVIOUS: See previous 5 facts