Frances Wilkins – Sponsored

A word from our recent sponsor…
Since 1992, Wyre Forest Press has published nearly forty books by Frances Wilkins. These include smuggling history, the slave trade, Jacobites, Robert Burns’ pistols and general social history.
The regional smuggling guides have been followed by the detailed smuggling histories of smaller local areas in South-West Scotland. Originally connected with a series of smuggling exhibitions and smuggling trails planned from April 2020 onwards, five new titles are being published this year.
Recently discovered letters written to their attorney at the Court of Exchequer in Edinburgh have produced new insight into the lives of the smugglers in the second half of the eighteenth century.
They provide vivid details of what really happened as opposed to the official versions normally available to the researcher. Mathew Quirk appears in three of the books: providing his viewpoint in The Bay of Luce Smugglers and those of his former partners elsewhere.
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