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A Feathered Entertainer

Suddenly the glen bursts free from its straitjacket of commission spruces into a climbing arena garbed in well-spaced, hand-planted, young Scots pines – the good and the bad of the […]


Highland Stand-Off

The wind is dry ice, the sky is pewter-grey and heavily pregnant with unborn snow. The dusk thickens too fast amid the old drifts that patch the hillside. There is […]


An English Invasion

With the 500th anniversary of Flodden and the 700th anniversary of Bannockburn behind us, you should know that Scotland is being invaded by the English yet again. It is the […]


Deadly Encounters

It was still early when the garden erupted. The eruption woke me up. I lay still for a few moments trying to rationalise the sound through the dregs of sleep. […]


Wild Lands, Wild Waters

I love September because every year it saves me from an overdose of summer. By the time September dawns, or at least by the time it has got a week […]


Woodland Wonders

In August pinewoods go all drowsy on me, flat-footed and weary like an old dog. I know this trait of pinewoods of old. I have, after all, been here before. I […]


Links With Nature

I have reason to remember that tee shot. Kilspindie Golf Course at Aberla­dy, East Lothian coast, a beautiful early July day, sunlight bouncing off the deep blue Forth estuary, a […]


Island Life

A questing heron stalks the furthest edge of wrack-strewn rocks, working the falling tide on a Skye shore. Two otters clamber onto a scrap of a skerry near Ord, just […]


Thrilling To Diver’s Call

If you didn’t know what that sound is, at first hearing you could be forgiven for thinking that it is like the speech of the land itself, like blood, like […]


Rewilding Scotland

Rewilding is a buzzword I don’t much care for, and now that I think about it, so is “buzzword”. On the other hand, if it were proved that a buzzword like […]

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