
All Wildlife Posts


Watching Woodland Carpenters

At last it is September, and I head for the woods. Every season has its moments in the woods, but September is when my least favourite of all the seasons’ variations […]


A Swift Encounter

The swifts came late. If you remember April 2012 at all you will remember it with a shudder. North-easterly winds, rain, sleet and snow, and spring hiding its head under […]


Seabird Symphony

The sounds of Shetland’s seabirds were music to the ears of Jim Crumley NATURE in a place like Shetland is symphonic. Or it’s jazz with a particularly Ellingtonian twist. Nature […]


The Fearlessness of Weasels

A weasel fears no-one – not even Jim Crumley There is a scruffy little country lane I walk down from time to time, knowing that I’m safe from all forms […]


A Few Bars Of Birdsong

You remember late March, of course, when summer temperatures lay on hill and shore for two breathless weeks. You scratched your head and harked back out loud to 2011’s account […]


Are Beavers Back For Good?

A coalition of over 20 of Scotland’s environmental NGOs are calling for the Eurasian beaver to be fully reintroduced and recognised by the Scottish Government as a resident, native species […]


Ptarmigan Watch

This rock has been sitting with its back to me for quite a while now. Time has stalled, become meaningless, which if I’m honest is the way I like it best. Spring is […]


Meeting Mother Nature

The roe doe is the spirit of the edge of the wood this bright and mellow May evening. And what on earth, you might well ask, do I mean by that? […]


Something About Swans

Sometimes I thirst for the company of swans. It is fair to say that wild swans in a wild setting can summon me into a state of thraldom unique in […]


Juniper, The Enduring Highlander

  To the devestation of gin drinkers everywhere, Scottish juniper is at severe risk of dying out. From our archives, Jim Crumley pays homage to this mountaineer of shrubs…   […]

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