A-Z of Secret Aberdeen: Z for …Zoology Museum

Go completely batty at the University of Aberdeen’s Zoology Museum!
There are literally shelves full of the blighters, from the skeletons of flying foxes to preserved jars of spooky Malaysian bats!
Other creepily fascinating exhibits include a stuffed Bengal tiger, ape skeletons, crocodile skulls and a Great Auk egg.
Get hands-on!
The museums’s hands-on room also lets visitors see nature in close-up. You can meet geckos, gorgeous fire salamanders and handle anything from spiky monkey puzzle leaves to skulls, snake skins and whale bones!
When you’ve had enough fauna, head for the flora – the zoological museum sits cheek by jowl with the university’s 11-acre botanic gardens.
Zoology Museum, Tillydrone Avenue, Aberdeen, AB24 2T.
Open Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm.
Gardens open every day 9am – 4.30pm (Oct- Mar) and 9am – 7pm (April – Sept)
Both are free to enter
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That’s it for our A-Z of Secret Aberdeen! Make sure you scroll down to check out our other cities.
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